Friday, June 24, 2016


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You don't have to crave it anymore, there's an alternative ingredient for every fatty one and you'll still love it!

You can make it the same way you make mac-and-cheese just swap a few things!

Try wheat organic noodles!

Keep the cheese! White cheddar is the best, but you can pick any! GO low on the milk! Skim milk and fat-free greek yogurt to substitute the sour cream.

ps: sour cream is one of those secret ingredients in classic mac-and-cheese! You can also throw in a little brown sugar!

You can top it with bread crumbs for a little crunch!

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Use sea salt and pepper, but go light on salty seasonings. Mix in a little olive oil and cook it just like you do your mac, stovetop, crockpot or oven!

TRY A CHICKEN BAKE! Use the same recipe and just add chicken, or you can throw in some veggies too!

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Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Veggies Can Be Good Too!

Not into the veggies? Don't worry! Here's how to get your fix and still leave satisfied. Seasoning, this is a big one! Whether it's broccoli, spinach, carrots, asparagus or tomatoes garlic is your friend with the veggies! Garlic salt on cooked vegetables along with a little pepper, oregano and parsley is the trick! Don't forget about the olive oil, it's much healthier than butter and has a great taste! Spinach? Add mushrooms for taste and variety. It's life changing! Roasting veggies is also another secret! We don't see it done much but it makes a huge difference! It gives a crisp finish and allows the veggies to absorb the seasoning and olive oil.  Unlike, boiling in water, it keeps all the flavor! Try it! You won't regret it! Eat your veggies and live glamfit!

The Life Changing Sauna!

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The hype is real! The sauna is not to be slept on! Make sure when you go to the gym, you stop by the sauna before leaving out! Salt, dirt and anything else that gets into your pores will come out in the sweat that the sauna produces in such a short amount of time! It provides a chemical-free all natural exfoliating process. With one day's session, you will notice a huge difference in your skin and feel a difference too! Think of all of the build up that comes out after a sit in the hotbox! Try it and find out that the sauna is where it's at!

Thursday, June 9, 2016

The Couch Potato

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The best way to lose a few pounds is to find a hobby and keep busy. The couch potato theory tells no lies. Here are a couple of ways to get food off of your brain this summer.

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  • Help volunteer with the elections by voter registration and phone banking
  • Pet lover?? Volunteer at the SPCA
  • INTERNS INTERNS INTERNS, but if you haven't scored one yet, do a shadow. Find someone who is where you would like to be, do a little research and email them and see if they'll let you shadow! Most people who have been in your position will be over eager to help you!
  • Try a different type of summer job like childcare, a water park in your area, something that will surely keep you busy!
  • Miss ballet? Take a dance class or boxing class!
  • Volunteer to come speak at your old high school or middle school! Kids look up to young college students!
  • Take a few summer classes!
  • Get involved at a local church! usher, volunteer in childcare or Sunday school!

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Exercise Without Fitting it into Your Schedule!

Too busy? Not for these easy workouts! Take advantage of that bathroom trip that we take about five times a day and try five squats each time! It'll seem like a breeze and at the end of the day, you'll have just as many squats as the girl who went to the gym! When five seems to become a routine, add five more and do ten each break. Five times a day, that'll be 50 squats!

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 Lunch Break? Who takes 30 minutes to an hour to eat lunch? Take ten minutes to enjoy your food and take a 15-minute walk! If you have an hour break, make it a 30 min walk! This is also a huge stress reliever, put in your earphones and you'll begin to look forward to those breaks. Grab a co-worker who shares the same lunch and walk it out!

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Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Yes! You Can Still Eat the Burger!

Are you avoiding those greasy burger joints and feel a binge coming on because you just need the bread and the burger? Well, you don't always have to avoid the bread. Instead of cutting the calories in half by losing the bread, try enjoying half the calories by enjoying half the burger. Always backing out on "Let's go out to eat?" Don't be scared of the luncheon at work or lunch with the girls, because you won't have to cook tonight with the other half of your burger left.

have to cook tonight with the other half of your burger left. If you don't think you have the will power quite yet, ask your waitress to cut and box half your sandwich to-go and keep in the back until you get the check! For those of you that may not be bread crazy, many restaurants offer lettuce wrapped burgers, just ask your waitress! Try a side of fruit or side salad for a french fry alternative. Now you get to go to dinner tonight and take half your dinner to work tomorrow!

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This Half and Half rule can go for any sandwich, chicken, BLT and more!

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